Saturday, August 3, 2013

White Cheddar-Chive Pimiento Cheese

We love pimiento cheese around here so I was excited to see another version to try in the Sweet As Pie Cooking Club.  We put it on bread, crackers and on celery sticks.  It doesn't last long!  I've noticed it a lot lately making an appearance at local restaurants.  They spread it on hamburgers, shrimp and grits and chicken sandwiches!  That reminds me, I should also make Mrs. Mattie's Southern Pimiento Cheese again.

My chive pot out back has been busy this summer!  This recipe is one of the reasons.

The recipe description says the key to great pimiento cheese texture is to grate the cheese yourself (which I usually do) using both sides of the grater (which I usually don't).  

So I tried this dual grating thing (pictured above).  The result is cheese stuck on both sides of the grater.  I didn't notice or hear any feedback on improved pimiento cheese texture.  Sometimes the best things are just quickly thrown together which is what I did and why I don't have more pictures to share!

I took this to my Mom's to have with her chicken stew at our big family gathering.  There were no leftovers!  I'll make it again, probably without pictures again.

1 comment:

  1. I love Pimiento Cheese - I've never noticed a difference with texture either - I just eat it - it's all good to me! lol.


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