Thursday, October 25, 2012

There's something strange in the neighborhood...

Who you gonna call? 

It's really spooky around here!

See what I mean?

These ghostly images are just down the street from my house!  

My cell phone camera was all I had with me to snap a photo of them before they vanish. 

They look like they are in their element billowing in the fall breeze with a spot of light on them and shadows surrounding them.

I played with the image in Picasa using different ghoul-y looking effects.  Now just print the black and white ghouly versions and add them to the Halloween decor.   DIY Halloween decor!

I enjoy looking at all the fall and Halloween outdoor vignettes that people display in their yards. 

Is it getting strange in your neighborhood?


  1. My kind of decor! And it's always been a little strange in my neighborhood. Are they holding hands in a circle? Very cool spooky effects too.

  2. They are indeed spooky! There's a house in our neighborhood who has ghosts like this. My son has always been fascinated with them even when he was younger (although I do think his fascination was coupled with fear).


Meet me at the Well and let me know what you think!

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